Thursday 29 June 2017

How to succeed at anything- Issue#1

Its something really common among us that we find ourselves discouraged and with lack of motivation. To help everyone out there looking for motivation and for a better insight on how to change their lives i`ve got few advises that how you can achieve your goals. Following these simple steps will definitely work wonders for you. All you got to do is to stay focused and dedicated to your dreams.

One of the biggest flaw in our nature nowadays is that we aim to live an independent life but instead  are totally depending on others for resources and opportunities. You might want to become a C.E.O. of an organisation or may be a renown scientist but most of us are looking for a shoulder to cling on to take our first step towards success. Remember you are the one who holds responsibility for your own future. You are no ones responsibility not even your parent`s. Keep that in your mind. So what ever you are willing to do in your life do it on your own, stop asking for help and stop asking from others to support you. Create opportunities for yourself. I can list thousand examples of people who had nothing in the beginning but hard work, determination and strong will turned their dreams into reality. For instance if i love gardening and love growing plants all i need to do is to buy some small plants, provide them with best growth conditions and after they flower or mature i could sell them. You can even advertise your plants for sale and can even create a blog or a website to post the plants you wanna sell. Viola..!!! You just have created your own small business and the best part is you were not depending on others help. You did everything on your own. By creating your own opportunities you not only benefit yourself but also benefit others. But the best part is you`ll lose the habit of complaining and cursing other.


Another big problem is that we usually wait for someone to come in our life, grab our hand and then drag us out of our miseries and worries. Guess what that ain`t gonna happen. That is something that happens in movies and fairy tales. Best advice... Be your own super hero. Start building confidence and faith in your own self. Don`t be Louis Lane that falls off a skyscraper and then out of nowhere Super Man comes flying and saves her. Don`t be that Snow White or Rapunzel kinda person that waits for prince charming to come and save them. Be your own hero. If you find yourself stuck in a situation use your head find ways to slip out of that situation. Believe me if you are not going to find a solution to your problems no one else on this whole big planet can help you. You know yourself better than anyone. So stop depending on others.

It is something in human nature that we work hard for things that we see rather than that we hear about. We try to achieve things that we can see. Because visual goals are easier to conquer. To grasp onto your goals even firmer and to stay dedicated to your path you can also start visualizing your goals as well.

To make the matter even interesting you can visualize yourself as what you want to be in your life. For instance; If you want to be a lawyer visualize yourself as a lawyer wearing that black coat. Wanna be a Formula 1 champion? Then visualize yourself holding that trophy and making a speech on the podium. This keeps you motivated and keeps you straight on your path.

So these are few advises that i`ve covered in this article, will be writing some other later. Till then keep on working hard, stay focused and do something amazing with your lives.

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