Saturday 1 April 2017

DIRILIŞ ERTUĞRUL (Resurrection of Ertuğrul).

Going through the Internet watching different shows on You Tube, Net flex and some other one might find some of the most interesting shows from sci-fi to rom-com, horror to historical and sometimes fictional. You might find a long list of first class series like Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, Flash, Agents Of Shields, Sherlock, Black List to name a few. But one of the most fascinating series that I have ever came across was a Turkish historical drama series with the name DIRILIŞ ERTUĞRUL (Resurrection of Ertuğrul).

Most of you might be thinking why did I just chose such a serial for my blog. Well the fact is that this drama is purely historical no fiction no drama.. Moreover, this series holds the real spirit of holy wars in Islam and it portrays how Muslims ruled the three continents and what efforts were put in order to establish such a powerful military and political empire that lasted more than 600 years.
The story line goes around the Turk clan named KAYI who are the descendants of oguz khagan and after being oppressed and repetitively attacked and slaughtered by Mongols the kayi`s move to Central Asian region and settle down with about 400 tented nomads. The story begins with the heroic effort of ertugrul when he and his companions save the Seljuk princesses Halime sultan from the crusaders that had her and her family (younger brother and father) captive. Rescuing them ertugrul takes the princess and her family to his tribe where the whole story is based. The tribe is going through a difficult time due to famine. ertugrul as a representative of his father Suleyman shah seeks for a peaceful place in the Ayyubid dynasty, where things are much worse than meet the eye. The Ayyubid dynasty is ruled by Sultan Al-Aziz who in reality is a puppet ruler within the hands of Christian conspirators. Moreover, ertugrul`s tribe is also shadowed by conspiracies and rebellion as his uncle is in lust of power and command over the tribe and he seeks support from the christian scholar Petruccio. Going through all the difficulties ertugrul and his loyal companions Turgut, Dogan and Bamsi find their ways even through the stickiest situations. With support from his family and friends Ertugrul suppresses the rising rebellion and cope sustaining the peace in his tribe and successfully conquers the christian castle eliminating all enemies and tyrants including his arch enemy Titus.

The season ends with the death of Suleyman Shah and the migration of the tribe towards the Anatolian regions more close to Mongolian borders.

The second season starts with the capture of Ertugrul by the Mongolian commander Noyan who emphasises Ertugrul in fighting side by side with the Genghis Khan`s army. Ertugrul luckily slips from this captive where he discovers that the Mongols are going to attack the Muslims in the coming spring. The story goes on a thrilling journey where Ertugrul finds his elder brother Sungur Tekin who was once a captive of Mongols and was later acting as a spy for Seljuk empire in Mongolian army. Moreover, Ertugrul finds a place near the Byzantines empire frontier as the next settlement spot for his tribe. Ertugrul having a dream of conquering the world and spreading the message of Islam through out the world takes on hand to hand with the Mongols as well as with the crusaders. The story also depicts the interference of Sadettin Kopek (the favourite governor of Sultan Allauddin) who is politically working to support the Mongols and the Christian invaders. Finally with support of his loyal companions and tribe men Ertugrul fights back the Mongolian oppression. The season ends with the victory of Ertugrul against the Mongols in the Anatolian region and their migration towards the Byzantines frontier. The KAYI tribe is divided into two groups one lead by Ertugrul`s eldest brother Gundogdu who refuses to migrate and stays with his uncles tribe the Dodorga tribe. While Ertugrul leads his loyal followers on a much harsh and difficult journey any Turk tribe had ever faced. They travelled with dedication; dreams in their eyes to establish an empire of their own which would fight for the innocent and would help the weak...

The third season of this series is still on air. With many new adventures and thrilling scenes awaiting to amuse their viewers. I will be writing the review for the third season soon till then watch this show for Hollywood style fighting scenes, romance, and pure history.
Hoşça kal...!!!!


  1. Thanks for explaining what is going on. I just started watching this the other day and although I was
    getting the general gist of what's happening, I was a bit unsure of a couple of things.

    1. Thank you for viewing my blog. I am very happy that you found my content interesting..
