Friday 30 June 2017

How to succeed at anything- Issue#2

In my last article I shared some of the fundamental advises by which you can transform your lives the way you want them and achieve goals you ever dream of having. In this article I will be writing some other tips that can help you succeed at anything in your life whether that is your career, profession, or any other problem that you encounter in your life. If you guys have already read the previous article and are working your way using all those tips then believe me you are one step ahead of everyone else. Lets start listing some other down...


One of the basic and most vital tip that i can give you is that you guys should look for some mentors and idols. Why?? Because following a mentor helps you with their experience. They can show you the right path. You can gain a lot of success using their knowledge. You can avoid the wrong stuff they did and can do the right things they ignored. This is going to make your path towards success even shorter. Mentor doesn`t mean a teacher or a coach, he/she could be anyone who worked hard and stands different from the rest in his field. Try taking advises from them...that would be something good for you.

Take one more step forward and seek an idol that suits you. Believe me having an idol in your life is the best-est thing you can have. That person could be anyone just like I mentioned above. An idol is a person that you ought to become or dream of becoming one day. Setting an idol in your life keeps your track how much you are working hard to become like him/her. You have a clear vision in your head that even a slightest lazy or sloppy attitude is going to take you steps away from becoming the one you dream to be one day. Furthermore, an idol motivates you and watching your idol keeps your engine going. So start looking for idols and mentors.

Whenever you start doing something believe in yourself that no matter how difficult the task is i`m going to go through everything no matter what it takes i`m not gonna let down myself and will get the job done. Their is nothing stopping you from success except you. It`s always you against you. I have seen many the people around me having the physical potential to do a specific work but their mental capability lacks so much that they fail to believe in their own straight and easily get knock down. So fellas if you ever want to win or become a champion always always always believe in yourself. No step or trick is going to work no matter how hard you try until you start believing in yourself.

Let`s suppose someone is following all the tips and steps that i`ve mentioned what`s the last and the most important tip?? NEVER QUIT...No matter what happen never ever quit. You might get hurt during your journey and sometimes severely hurt. You might even fall down but you will have the option to recover your loss you will have the strength to get up and start walking again but the moment you quit you`re done bro. No matter how many times you try and fall, no matter how much exhaust you are quitting is going to make you a loser a total loser. Champions die trying but never quit..So you should never do that as well. Falling down and losing is something that`s natural and is temporary but quitting and giving up makes it permanent. So stop complaining about hardships and start doing work and never quit. If you train your mind to believe that you are a champion than you will definitely train your mind to never quit cause winners and champions never quit..

Start working on your goals. To be honest hard work and dedication are the only secret to success. Shortcuts and cunning techniques are not gonna work in practical life. So stop seeking shortcuts and stop wasting your life. You are a human being and humans were born to rule and achieve what other animals could not even dream of. So stop being discouraged of small failures. So Stand up, Aim high, Stay focused, Work hard, Believe in yourself and Achieve wonders... :-)

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