Sunday 1 January 2017

Planet without Plants...... A matter of life and death

Have you ever wondered what a world would look like without plants...??? Might be like this?

Or I guess worse than this. So what would happen if there would be no plants on Earth. Believe me it would me a life worse than a nightmare. The equation is simple.
                                                         No Plant = No Life
And how is that. Well according to Environmental Biology, Plants or Producers are the major source of production of biomass from inorganic compounds in any ecosystem. Without them no life form can exist on Earth. Without these green producers no human would ever enjoy his/her cup of coffee in his/her dining room. No bird would ever chirp, no dog would ever bark. In short there would be no life.
Our lack of interest towards this issue is gradually leading us to the irreversible extinction of plants. If this issue is not highlighted and no action is taken in regards to this, no hope would be left for the life to sustain on Earth. That is why I am highlighting this issue so people should know how important this issue is and it`s high time that we take measures to save our planet by saving the trees.
Most of us might be aware of the endangered wild animals and some of the extinct animals like Dinosaurs. But here I`m gonna discus about plants that are going rare and endangered due to human activities and deforestation. And I guess that`s the main reason of my concern and yours as well. I am listing some of the rare species of plant from around the world. 

Dendroseris nerifolia: A plant with yellow-white flowers native of Chile. This is the rarest plant that is present on Earth. Only one or two specimen are recorded from all over the world. Due to its unique biota this plant cannot be grown outside its zone.

Dracaena draco: Commonly known as Dragon tree. This species is native to African continent. Drought and climate change is gradually decreasing this species from the continent.

Elaeocarpus bojeri: Native of Mauritius islands this plant is commonly known as Bios Dentelle. Only two plants are known to exist on the hill called Piton Grand Basin. Due invasion of guava and Litsea monopetala this species have become one of the rarest plant species on Earth. 

Euphorbia obesa: Commonly known as Baseball plant. This plant is a common ornamental plant but is now almost extinct in the wild because of its habitat destruction. Unfortunately no steps are taken for the conservation of this incredibly popular house plant.

Hieracium snowdoniense: Commonly known as Snowdonia Hawkweed. This specie is native to Snowdonia, North Wales. This species was said to be extinct in 1950s as a result of over grazing. Later on, in 2002 this species was re-discovered. 

Well I just compiled some of the rarest plant species from around the world. No matter where they are located they all share a common factor that is responsible for putting these plants on to the endangered list. Wanna know that secret factor.... It`s human interference with the environment. I do believe that climatic change and drought also favors extinction but behind every cause human activity is the major factor that induces change in environment.
The major factors that can favor the decline in plant propagation and species extinction are
  • Illegal logging
  • Fire
  • Fuel wood Harvesting
  • Habitat destruction 
  • Introduced species
  • Mass extinction
  • Climate change                                            
Now that we know that our Producers are in need of our help (cause we are ones who are cutting them down and taking over their places) so we gotta do something before it`s too late.
And how are we gonna help these plant species????
Answer is simple start planting them. Although different organisations are working throughout the world by protecting and conserving the endangered species but that`s not enough. It`s high time that we realize our responsibilities not as a citizen not even as a human being but as an important component of this ecosystem. If we are not going to take any step today our children are going to face the consequences tomorrow. Work within your own boundaries. struggle for a better tomorrow. Give life to plants they`ll repay you in a much better way....

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