Sunday 1 January 2017

Is a single night worth millions of Dollars...??

Last night the world celebrated the arrival of the New Year 2017. As the clock stroke 12 the celebrations started with spectacular fireworks painting the night sky of different cities all around the globe. That was the joyful and bright side of the story. But there lies a darker side of this story which remained and always remains untouched.

Almost all the Capitals from around the world displayed thousands and thousands of fireworks which required millions of Dollars. Let me make it clear, I`m not against celebrations and festive but investing money in such an event doesn`t makes any sense. This large amount of money could be used for the well being of people. Take this as an example, about 40 million people in Africa are battling against hunger and an estimated $4.5 million is required urgently. Hunger, poverty, disease are the major cause of death among infants. Sadly the whole world has turned away their eyes from this grave matter. The death and doom of all these affectees was somewhere ignored behind the glitter and sparks of the New Year`s firework.
Not just this, the screams and cry of agony of the Syrians and people of Aleppo were somewhat lost in the echoes and crackling of the fireworks. Everyone has his/her rights to enjoy whatever they like in whatever way they like but, how can we forget about those that are suffering, those who have been forced to leave their lands, and those who are fighting hunger and poverty.
I`m not only just criticising the West, unfortunately the people of my home country have also been blindly following the West ignoring the suffering humanity. Wouldn`t it be great that leaders of the  Nation around the world could make PEACE their New Year`s resolution. ELIMINATING HUNGER be their goal to achieve in 2017. Investing millions for just a few hours, having parties, exchanging gifts, fireworks is this it.... I mean is this all what New Year celebration is all about???
Think about it. You don`t need any money to help others. All you got to have is a humble heart and that`s I guess is enough to bring joy to others. You don`t need to be a leader to change the society, you are the leader of yourself. Work for whatever you can within your own limits. Help people, Support the weak, Stand for what is right. This must be our New Year`s resolution.
Feel sympathy for the suffering humanity and make Earth a peaceful place to live..... :-)

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