Saturday 14 January 2017

Mission: Let`s Plant- Issue#01 "Words From The Expert"

For our campaign LET`S PLANT, the let`s plant team made a visit to one of the renown institute in Pakistan for their prominent role in plant conservation. There the team met Dr. Irfan Aziz, a physiological ecologist of Mangrove and other woody Halophytes. This institutes works on utilizing the degraded lands and brackish waters for growing plants for economic purposes. Mainly their mission is to take measures for a cleaner, greener land.

While talking to the expert the team found out how necessary it was to plant trees.One more serious matter that Dr. Irfan pointed towards was making the right selection of plants for plantation. Talking to him the team learned that plantation is not just a mere project of  planting any other plant along roadside or somewhere else, but it is a matter to be taken seriously because choosing the wrong plant may result in future consequences. According to him the steps taken for a greener Karachi in 2008 had a negative impact on ecology of Karachi. By planting a single species resulted in lack of diversification and deteriorated the natural flora and fauna of Karachi. The vast plantation of Conocarpus proved harmful as predicted by other ecologists and botanist before the start of of this project. He further added that plants that are native to specific locality should be preferred rather than alien species like Conocarpus and Eucalyptus. Such plants are drought tolerant and have deep root system that can dig deep down the earth`s crust and absorb the underground reserved water leading to a decline in underground water table.
To help the team with their mission Dr. Irfan suggested them with some of the common and beneficial plants that might aide the teams struggle towards a greener Pakistan. Following is a list of  plants to whom he gave a green light to...

  • Gum tree (Acacia nilotica): Locally known as Babul. A plant which can be used as both a road side tree for its shade and as protective hedges for its thorns. Also produces gum that is used in medicines. This plant can grow in soil with higher proportion of sand.

Gum Tree

Gum Tree inflorescence

  • Golden rain tree (Cassia fistula): Locally known as Amaltas. This plant is a fast growing tree achieving a height of about 60 feet, an ideal choice for road side plantation. Used as medicine in herbalism. Shows relatively good growth in sandy soil.

Golden Rain Tree

Golden Rain flower

  • Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica): A remarkable drought tolerant plant that can grow rapidly achieving a height of about 66 feet and sometimes 100 feet. It has wide spread branching forming a fairly dense crown. An ideal plant recommended for its shade. 

Neem Tree

Neem Tree inflorescence

  • Rohida (Tecomella undulata): This is a xerophytic plant that can grow in high temperature as well as in extremely low temperature. Can be used as a road side tree for its ever green nature and its beautiful showy flowers. 

Rohida Tree

Rohida flower

  • Cotton Tree (Bombax ceiba): Locally known as Sumbal or Semal tree. This tree can grow up to 20 meters and sometimes even more. Cotton tree serve as an ideal plant for attracting wild fauna like birds, insects, bees etc for its attractive flowers. 

Sumbal Tree

Sumbal flowers

  • Flame Tree (Delonix regia): Locally known as Gulmohar. This plant is added to the list because of its attractive flowering. On full bloom the sight looks stunning. A good choice for road sides and backyards.

Flame Tree 

Flame Tree flowers

  • False Ashoka (Polyalthia longifolia): A lofty ever green tree, commonly planted for alleviating noise pollution. If this tree is allowed to grow naturally without trimming the branches it grows into a normal large tree with plenty of shades. Ideal for side walks and public places.

False Ashoka Tree

  • Portia Tree (Thespesia populnea): This plant is usually found around coast lines but can grow in areas where there is approx. 20-63 in of annual rainfall. Although this plant does not attain a tall height but it can still be used as a tall shrub for its attractive flowering along side walks and roundabouts. 

Portia Tree

Portia flower

Moreover, Dr. Irfan also recommended some flowering shrubs and herbs that may enhance the beauty of the landscape. These plants although have a dwarf height but they still help in maintaining a greener and Eco-friendly environment. Such plants may include;

  • Indian Aloe (Aloe vera): A stemless or short stem plant with succulent leaves. A successful indoor potted plant. Can also be used as an ornament in public places and around national monuments. 

Indian Aloe

  • Castor-Oil-Plant (Ricinus communis): Commonly known to all the locals due to its oil (Castor oil). Regardless of having tremendous uses in medicinal field, this plant can add beauty to a landscape with its variation in leaf color. 


Castor-Oil-Plant fruit

  • Bougainvillea: Commonly known as Bougenville. Most common ornamental plant grows mainly in warmer climate. This plant can be selected for its showy inflorescence. Can be planted along wall sides and around landscapes.


Not just this Dr. Irfan further added names of grasses that can be planted for a much greener and attractive texture. According to him grasses if planted side by side with the trees would enhance the landscape and would even help in covering the rough ground. He added two common and rapidly growing grass species in this list

  • Paspalum distichum: A perennial grass growing in regions having abundant supply of water. Can grow up to 60 cm. The inflorescence is usually divided into two branches lined with spikelets. This grass shows efficient growth in sewage water as it is heavy metal tolerant and requires large amount of water. 

Paspalum distichum

  • Paspalidium sp.: This grass grows is a tropical and sub tropical regions. These are perennials that grow in large water supply zones. 
Paspalidium sp.

These were the few plant species that Dr. Irfan shared with us. He also told the team that he would help them further with their project and would update them with even more plant species.
 After this whole conversation the team headed back, taking with them the great treasures of knowledge Dr. Irfan Aziz shared with them. May he be blessed for his cooperation. This was not the end but it is indeed just the beginning of the teams long journey for propagating and conserving this nature`s gift. But this is not just a task that could be done by few members of a team. Every other person in this city needs to stand up on this matter and start planting as much trees as possible. Don`t ignore this. Stand up help this planet be a better place to live. So what are you waiting for LET`S PLANT...!!!

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