Saturday 14 January 2017

F.E.A.R - Face Everything And Rise..

When I first started blogging a few days back I didn`t even know how to write a blog or even what to do with a blog. And the situation remains the same today. I always had this kind of stuff going in my mind that if I wrote something that is not suitable for a blog or may be my interests doesn`t match the blog rules or if I wrote something different that may make me feel a fish out of water among all the rest of the bloggers. This all and some other fancy reasons made me hesitated for writing and blogging and showing my true self to the world.
You know what was the real reason behind my hesitation????? It was FEAR. Yup you read it right fear... Fear that I might look weird. Fear that I might look funny. Fear that people might laugh at me. Fear that no one would even read my stuff. You know what I did.. I stood up and said I DON`T CARE. And yes I really don`t care what others think about me. Cause I overcome my fear of loosing.
Fear is indeed the greatest enemy of success. One might feel fear of failure or fear of being a looser or even fear of loosing people you care. Whatever the fear is it kills your chances of winning and that`s bad right.?
So how can we overcome our greatest fears???
Believe me the answer is quite simple to say but difficult to act. The answer is... OVERCOME YOUR FEAR. Yeah that`s easy to say I know. But nothing good comes without the hard way What should be done then. The first approach is to make up your mind that you have to eliminate your fear once and for all. Mind should always be over the matter and no other way around. Remember Your mind falls before your body so keep training your mind not to fear or at least stay calm at moment of fear. Easy...?? This phase requires a lot of will power and from a lot i literally mean a lot. Cause believe me if you pass this stage nothing is going to stop you from winning. So the first and the foremost step is to use you will power to train your mind to be afraid no matter how adverse the scenario is.
If you succeeded the first phase you are almost at the verge of overcoming your fears. Remember don`t loose hope. Be confident. Just keep your will strong and never give up. Always keep this in your mind that no one can ever bring you down until you give up on yourself. Ever seen a wildebeest giving up his life when attacked by a crocodile, or a gazelle giving up his efforts when caught by a lion..?? No that never happens. The wildebeest fears the crocodile and the gazelle fears the lion but none ever give up when they are caught by the predator, even when they know they are dying they never give up their struggle for survival. That`s the spirit you need to introduce in yourself. Train your mind to push its limits before quitting.  So what should be your approach then.
First- Train your mind never to give up
Second- Keep your will strong.
That`s it... Yup that sure is it. Next time your fear stands in your way don`t just face it... Look it in its eyes. If it barks at you, you roar back to it. If it scratches you, you thump it down for good. Remember always seek support from those that need you. The people you care about are your strength. The most powerful support that might help you anytime and anywhere is from GOD. If your fear seems in vulnerable seek His help. His support will definitely help you overcome your fear. Believe in yourself.
When I was in my early teens I was afraid of heights. To cross the streets we used to have overhead pedestrian bridges that were way too high for me. Even walking in the middle of the bridge I was dying with my fear that I might fall or something bad would happen to me. Yup I had Acrophobia. And I knew that this fear is going to cost me too much. I wanted to overcome it but initially I was too weak for all this.

 One day I realized that even kids were braver then me they never felt afraid of walking the bridge. This actually kicked my ego and I made up my mind that no matter what I`m going to overcome this fear. That was the time when my will power jumped in. The first few attempts were difficult but believe me within a week I was so strong enough that I stopped fearing heights  and today walking bridges is like having a walk in a backyard. And the best part about this was my continuous struggle against my fear, this lead me to a stage where my weakness became my strength. Now I am kinda fond of heights I would go to sky diving and para trooping without giving a second thought (Although I never had a chance to do that). Keep this example of mine as an inspiration. I never lost hope, same is what you should do. I never gave up, you should do the same. I never stop trying, you should never stop trying yourself.
No one is purely perfect everyone have a weakness but don`t let these weakness be your greatest fear. Remember, everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. So stand confident. Never loose your identity. Work on these weaknesses & Fight your fear.


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