Saturday 31 December 2016

Start planting the native species

Well, the most important and highly ignored topic that requires our attention is PLANTING TREES. That sounds easy doesn`t it... Sow a seed, water it everyday, and voila you got yourself a seedling. But wait did you know that you forgot the most important part...... Let me tell you what it is, picking the right plant for the right place. And from RIGHT PLACE I mean it`s native zone.
The most important thing is to keep in mind that to plant a tree especially when looking forward for planting in parks and along side roads to eliminate pollution or even planting in your backyard one should always prefer native and local species.
Why not plant invasive species...????
Planting invasive species is not a bad idea but the biggest drawback is that these species deteriorates the propagation and growth of the native ones. It`s a common observation that invasive species have potential of growing rapidly thus resulting in over production of the invasive and decreasing the growth of local plants. This continued process causes decrease in number of native plants and in worse cases causes complete elimination and extinction of that species from it`s very own local region.
That sounds grave doesn`t it....
Not just this Invasive species have some other direct and indirect affects on its surrounding ecology which does not involves plants and animals only but HUMANS as well. An invasive specie is not always bad but it surely damages the local diversity and Flora of that ecosystem on which most of the living system of that region is based.

Here is a list of some of the worst invasive species from around the world
Asiatic bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus):
This plant is Eastern Asian in origin but due to it`s competitive nature this plant has dominated the Northern America and Canada. This plant is actually a woody vine that grows over other plants over weighing them down and competing for resources

Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria):
This plant is native to Europe, but now invading Canada and United states. The plant was introduced in early 1800s. This plant grows rapidly producing more than a million wind dispersed seeds annually and its stem can grow at a rate of 1 foot per year. This species decimates the growth of natural Flora and disturbs the distribution of animal and other plant life of that region.

Wild Oats (Avena fatua):
Natural habitat of this plant is Europe but due to its invasion in Japan this troublesome weed has caused great harm to the agriculture and crop fields. This noxious weed act as an agricultural pest degrading the quality of crop. Furthermore, this species attracts insects and pests ultimately causing harm to the surrounding plants and field crops.

Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora):
This species is native to Madagascar region but due to human activity this specie is widely spread due to its flowers and economically important rubber. Now it is regarded as the worst invasive weed species of Australia. This plant is a major threat to Flora of gallery forests and savanna woodlands. The most dangerous effect of this species is over herbivores and grazing cattles as it is toxic to animals due to the presence of Latex. It kills other plant species by climbing and covering them eliminating source of light which is the major source of its food production.

Kudzu (Pueriria montana var. lobata):
This species is native to Japan and China. After its introduction in Philadelphia in around 1800s this species has become one of the most common invader in all over America. This plant can climb trees and can kill them by adding weight, toppling them and restricting light.

Buttonwood Tree (Cococarpus lancifolius):
This species is a native of African and Arabian region common throughout Horn of Africa and Arabian Peninsula. After the tree-target plantation of Conocarpus in 2009 by City District Government Karachi this species took the whole city by storm. This plant has invaded every roadside and park of Karachi, Pakistan. This plant has many disadvantages. Massive release of pollen from this species can cause asthma and sometimes eczema in humans. Due to its deep root system this plant species can cause choking and breakage of underground pipes and damage to landscapes. Due to its erect bushy structure this plant also discourages birds from inhabiting the plant. It is also being a topic of research that this plant releases some chemicals that repels other plants, birds and animals.

Let’s get to the conclusion. What lesson did we learn??
 We should encourage the planting of our own native plants. Let me make it clear that I`m not against invasive plants but, local species should be our priority. All plants are almost alike they help clean the environment and produce oxygen and planting any species would be a good way to do that but once again PLANT THE NATIVE FIRST. Give them their right.
Let me explain it to you with a simple example. Due to human activity and overpopulation man is taking over forests and jungles. As a result of this many of the wild species have become endangered and are now at the verge of getting extinct. And why is that... Because these animals don`t have any place to live man is invading their native lands. Same is the case with plants. Deforestation is an another issue but invading species are doing the same thing. A native species is an asset of that area. Do not lose your heritage. Plant trees but use your wit.

Plant a tree. Share this thought. And help this planet become a better place to live...

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