Friday 7 July 2017

Elite Fighting Forces In History- The JANISSARY.

Janissary (Turkish word; Yeni-New, Cheri- Troop) were the soldiers of the Ottoman empire. In the late 14th century after the conquest of Balkan there was a need to provide strong security in these frontier provinces. Therefore, Murad Bey-I formed the Janissary corp in 1380 A.D. The Ottoman empire was the first to organize a standard army long before the Europeans did. This corp replaced the former core army of the Bey which only comprised of 2000-20,000 men while this corp comprised of professionally trained soldiers that were loyal to their Sultan.

The male Christian children were taken up as slaves of the Sultan. These children were completely separated from their families and were bought up as Muslims. Out of these children the most able and eligible were trained as state officials and administrators. While, the rest of the enrolled individuals were taken up as members of the famous Janissary corp, the most professional and highly trained individuals in all of Europe.

Originally Janissary were trained as archers but later on they were trained to use spears, swords and clubs. With the introduction of firearms in the infantry units these Janissary were equipped and trained in using Muskets which was far more effective then swords and spears.

These were the very first group of soldiers to wear a specific uniform. They would work as policeman and palace guards during peacetime. These Janissary had their own marching band called `Mehter`. The Janissary were only the one tenth part of the Ottoman army while, Sipahi constituted the major part of the army. The number of Janissary corp increased during the Ottoman war against Safavid dynasty and Habsburg Monarchy. The number of Janissary also increased to a greater number during the Cretan war and the War of Holy League.

Janissary were expert archers. They were expert in Hand to Hand Combat. In melee combats they would use axes, kilij, daggers and spiked clubs. The iconic weapon used by the Janissary were the Turk Yatgans. The Imperial guards carried long shafted axes and Halberds. They were master in using Muskets and Trench guns- the most feared firearm.

Osmanli Tokadi also known as Ottoman Slap was an offensive melee attack used by the Janissary to stun the enemy with one bare hand. When a Janissary was disarmed they would use their slap in a close combat. The sound of the slap in the battlefield had a strong psychological effect on the enemy. It is a bare handed fighting technique that can easily kill an enemy. Janissary would practice Ottoman Slap by slapping marble and by exercising their hands and arms.

During the 17th century this corp`s size increased to more than 100,000 men. This increasing strength of the Janissary proved harmful to the Turkish state as it was terrifying to the enemy.
Due to the rebellion acts of the Janissary Sultan Mehmud Khan-II ordered other armed units to turn their canons towards their barracks. Any of the Janissary that survived the bombardment was to be executed. The corp that terrorized the world for more than four centuries thus came to an end.

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