Saturday 4 February 2017

H.O.P.E.- Hold On, Pain Ends...

Ever had pain in your life.? Everyone has suffered in ones life. And that suffering brings pain. This pain I know is hard to overcome and the recovery process is way too tough for a normal guy. But, this pain no doubt makes one stronger than before. According to my observations and my experiences I can say that pain comes in two different forms, one that breaks you and one that changes you. Well to be very frank I myself have suffered from both types. And this CHANGING pain thing actually brought me into this blogging world. Not gonna discuss about my pains and stuff but am really going to share how to overcome and motivate yourself in this hour of agony.
The truth about pain is that no matter in what the class type you are or what standards you have you still become the dear victim of pain. So no ones free or happy. Then what should be the approach???? The first and the foremost step is to keep this in mind that pain and sufferings are temporary. If there's a dark night today then don't worry a pure bright day is ahead. The sun of joy and relief will shine off the gloomy and painful darkness of the night. So keep this in your mind all the time.

OK.. then what's next. Well when you make your mind up that pain is temporary then train your mind and soul that this pain  and problem or whatever you call it is going to transform you into a much stronger version of you. Great!!! Not satisfied take few examples.. When your bone breaks and heals, this healed bone is stronger than the broken one. See when you suffer you heal and when you heal your mind or your body gets stronger than former. Want another one,
Here I got one but from the comic world. You might be well aware of THE BATMAN. Yup Batman of Gotham from the D.C universe. Did you know how he became Batman?? His parents died in a street crime and everyone can imagine how painful it is to loose parents at such a small age. But our hero not only just survived these harsh circumstances but also became stronger. Strong enough to beat bad guys. See pain is brutal but it transforms a person into a much stronger.. ummm.... guy. So no matter how physically weak you are if you have a strong heart and a strong spirit you are going to win this brawl. 
The granddaddy of bodybuilding the great Arnold Schwarzenegger once said
"The area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That`s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say that i`ll go through the pain no matter what happens."
The main point is that you should work hard never look back. Never give up. Its up to you whether you turn yourself into a slave of your pain or you turn that pain into power and become stronger. Remember pains and sufferings are a kind of tests from God and they are to inspect whether his creations are standing strong or are they retreating from their problems. If you can stand strong in this difficult phase of your life you are certainly going to be awarded not just in this world but in hereafter as well. So my advice... Keep yourself motivated, make mentors, look at people who have suffered the same way as you did and how they managed to fight through their difficult times, keep your eyes on the bright end of the tunnel, never loose hope. Life is messy and tough but good things don`t come to you if you stay still and relax. Fight your way through the maze of agony and be an inspiration for others.... One final thing, an emotional pain is a storm cloud that keeps us from feeling the sunlight of God`s love.. Stay blessed.. :-)

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